Red Shield Appeal

I write on behalf of The Salvation Army to ask your readers, would you be kind enough to help with this year’s Red Shield Appeal.
To be frank, after all the challenges we’ve faced in recent months, including helping the victims of floods and Cyclone Yasi resources are severely stretched.
It has already been a year of unprecedented natural disasters.  Australians have joined together to respond with typical generosity.  And many Australians are facing personal disasters such as homelessness, financial hardship, violence in the home, suicide bereavement and unemployment.
It has become very clear that the demands upon our day to day social and community services are continuing to grow.  The increasing cost of living is impacting on many low income families and individuals.
We are hearing from so many people who are saying that rising rent, electricity and food prices are hurting Australian families.  We’re hearing that rising prices mean some clients of ours have to make a daily choice between buying food and necessities or paying their bills.
We need to raise $79 million by the end of June to continue our vital work of assisting vulnerable Australians.  It’s remarkable to think that every 12 months the Salvos help around 1 million people.  All donations help us to change lives.
People in our cities are hurting.  People in regional areas are hurting.  We ask people to assist us because we are focused on doing everything we can to help people in need.
It’s easy to help – you can either call 13 SALVOS (13 72 58) or visit
The Red Shield Appeal doorknock will happen on the weekend of 28th/29thMay and the need for support is simply enormous.

Major Peter Sutcliffe,
The Salvation Army Australia Eastern Territory