Biodynamics growing on the Granite Belt

An enthusiastic group of about 50 members of the Border Landcare Organic Group (BLOG) and interested visitors spent last Saturday up to their elbows in cow manure.
They quickly realised that the only way to approach this activity is with light-hearted jocularity.
Filling cow horns with manure and burying them over winter is an important component of biodynamic practice.
The manure transforms into a highly energised compost-like material, which is then mixed with water and broadcast over the ground at least twice a year.
This promotes the much desired microbial life in the soil.
Next month’s BLOG gathering will be on Saturday, June 25, when there will be a presentation at The Summit hall by Garry Zerner.
Garry is with AgSolutions and he will speak about NatraMin, a valuable organic mineral fertiliser. Visitors are most welcome and information on BLOG activities can be found at