Tony Abbotts lies

Much is made of Julia Gillard’s so-called lies. Nothing is ever said of Tony Abbott’s lies.  He continually says that he will roll back the Carbon Legislation, the Mining Tax NBN etc.  He can’t! The Greens have the balance of power in the Senate for the next six years and they don’t look like changing their policies in that time.
He has told many lies about his position on Climate Change – more than anyone in Australia. Who really believes that he now thinks that Climate Change is no longer crap. Obviously another lie.
Saying that the Independents are Labor stooges is another lie.  He only needs one to agree with any of his policies to get it through Parliament – he does not have to be in Government in this Parliament to pass legislation as is shown by some Independents introducing legislation. For instance, he can pass his Parental Leave Scheme as the Greens and Independents have said they would vote for it. Oh, that’s right, it involves a great big new tax.  What a hypocrite, what a liar.

Stuart Burnett
Phegans Ba