Plea for help

The lease for Warwick Safe Haven is due in early July so community members are asked to raise as much funds as possible to make sure this vital service continues to help women and children in domestic violence situations.
Donations can be dropped off at the Southern Free Times office with all cheques to be made out to Relationships Australia, the auspicing body for the Safe Haven.
Warwick Safe Haven management committee representative Bette Bonney says community fundraising is crucial as the Safe Haven is totally community-funded.

Baringa Nursery has come on board to support the domestic violence shelter by holding a wood fired pizzas day this Saturday from 10am to 5pm.
All proceeds from the sale of the pizzas and the raffles on the day will be donated to the Warwick Safe Haven.
Nursery owner Paul Ryan is also a paramedic with the Warwick Ambulance Station, so he sees first-hand the physical scars of domestic violence.
“It is something we do come across in our job from time to time,” Mr Ryan said.
“There is a need for a safe haven in our local community for women and children,”
he said.
“It’s very frustrating, especially when children are involved. A lot of people don’t know who to turn to. They don’t know where
help is.”
This is why, he said, the nursery would be holding the pizza fundraiser.
They are hoping to raise more than $1000.
Baringa Nursery is located at 674 Warwick Killarney
Road, Warwick.

Story: Rebecca Brown