It’s not all ‘okey dokey’ at Little Oakey bridge

An 88-year-old Warwick resident has an amazing story to tell; so much so that a former Seattle judge and journalist is now attempting to write a book on him.

American Michael J Fox, and yes that is his name, visited the Rose City recently to interview local resident Robert Jubb or Jubby as he likes to be known.

Jubby is an inspirational person and within a short timeframe it is obvious why Mr Fox wants to write a book on this resident’s World War II experiences.

Jubby was involved in 32 bombing missions between July 1944 and November of the same year, with the vast majority of these trips being conducted at night.

He described his worst moments of flying in cloud and at night, enroute to the target, hitting turbulence, and being surrounded by another 900 to 1000 bombers, yet unable to see them.

“Every second you anticipate that something is going to happen, but that could go on for two hours,” Jubby said.

“A collision couldn’t be avoided,” he said.

Jubby lost his only brother and many mates in the war and also endured his plane being shot down.

“He was the only one in his crew to get back,” Mr Fox said.

“Obviously these people had an extraordinary courage,” he said.

“The world they were living in was up for destruction.”

Mr Fox’s great grandmother and Jubby’s grandmother were sisters.

Mr Fox believed it would take about two years to research and complete his book.