Advocate’s lasting legacy

THE SHARYN Rowen memorial walk remembers the work of remarkable local Warwick advocate of people living with disabilities.
Sharyn, who died in 2007 after a long battle with multiple sclerosis and leukaemia, is remembered as a tireless and unbeatable advocate for disability issues with a flair for bringing those issues to the notice of the wider community with great energy and humour.
It was Sharyn who organised the first Disability Action Week back in 1995 and it has become an annual event in Stanthorpe. The aim is to draw attention to the vital part that people with disabilities play in the wider community.
The walk that now carries her name starts in the Farley Piazza at 10am on Wednesday 17 September with a welcome and speeches, then moves up Maryland Street to Folkestone Street. Up to Whistle Stop Garden next where everyone can view the garden and be a part of the unveiling of the bench seat and the planting of two trees in Sharyn’s memory.
Everyone will then continue onto Artworks on Davadi where people can enjoy the exhibitions and share a cuppa and biscuits provided by the Stanthorpe Lions Club.
Follow the sound of the drums and wear your favourite spring hat and remember the work of this remarkable lady and help carry on work.