Swamp dam in pipeline

EMU Swamp Dam has featured prominently in the Federal Government’s Agricultural Competitiveness Green Paper released on Monday.
The proposed water infrastructure project was among four listed as warranting “future consideration of possible capital investment” under the water and natural resource management section.
In total, 28 water infrastructure projects across Australia were identified by the ministerial working group to assist in meeting the future water demands of the nation.
“Effective water infrastructure will be critical to the profitability and productivity of Australian agriculture into the future,” Mr Joyce said.
“Earlier this year, I chaired a ministerial working group to identify how investment in dams and other water infrastructure could be accelerated and we shortlisted potential projects that can deliver Australia’s water supply needs in the future.
“We have now done the hard yards and taken an important step towards stimulating the discussion about how we get viable projects moving.”
Maranoa MP Bruce Scott urged all those involved in agriculture to submit their views on the Green Paper.
“The Maranoa has a diverse and important agricultural sector,” Mr Scott said.
“Recent ABARES statistics revealed the total gross value of agriculture production in the region was more than $3 billion, which is about 30 per cent of the total gross value of agriculture production in Queensland.
“Whether it’s cotton, grain, crops, cattle, egg production, pigs, sheep, dairy, vegetables or fruit and nuts, the Maranoa is home to the first stage of food production, so it’s imperative the Maranoa has our say.
“We all have a responsibility to ensure our vital agricultural sector is supported and grows, which is why I encourage those with a passion for agriculture to have your say.”
Mr Joyce will be holding a National Water Infrastructure Roundtable next Wednesday in Canberra to progress discussions with key financiers, constructors and industry leaders.
The Green Paper submissions are due 5pm EST on 12 December 2014.
To read the green paper, or provide a submission in response, visit: agriculturalcompetitiveness.dpmc.gov.au