Road map for council

TENTERFIELD Shire Council (TSC) will use the Rural Council model to investigate its capacity to be “Fit for the Future”.
The decision comes after the NSW Office of Local Government recently released documentation relating to local government reform which asked councils to select which path or “option” within the reform package they would explore.
Councils must subsequently devise a “Road Map” by June 2015 indicating how they will be sustainable, efficient, effective in managing infrastructure and delivering services, and have the scale and capacity to engage effectively across the community, industry and government, into the future.
The options available include undergoing a merger with one or more councils, meeting a set of financial ratios, or embracing the Rural Council model.
TSC has indicated it has not been recommended for a merger and is not, and will not, be in a position over the next 10 years to meet all the set financial rations.
“The reason for this is primarily due to council’s low proportion of own source revenue (rates and charges) and a relatively low population to support far-reaching infrastructure assets spanning over 7000 square kilometres without obtaining grant funding,” a statement released by general manager Lotta Jackson said.
In is not known what the Rural Council model will look yet, as it has not been defined other than it will apply to councils with a population less than 10,000.
The reform package also states that rural and regional councils will need to form joint organisations with neighbouring councils to agree on a “regional vision”.
TSC has been placed in the New England arm, but resolved at its extraordinary meeting on 8 October to enter into discussion with the Northern Rivers Regional Organisation of Councils (NRROC).
“At the next State Election, the whole of Tenterfield Shire will be placed in the seat of Lismore,” the statement reads.
“Therefore, council needs to belong to a joint organisation where it is able to have a robust lobbying capacity for the benefits of the Tenterfield community.”
Council has scheduled a number of community engagement sessions to explain the reforms. Contact 02 6736 6000 for more information.