Moves for new CEO

Former Southern Downs Regional Council CEO Andrew Roach.

LIVING locally may be a pre-requisite for the next Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC) CEO.
Earlier this week it was revealed SDRC would seek legal advice to see whether it was able to make full-time residency a condition of its employment contract.
It follows the departure last month of former CEO Andrew Roach who divided his time between Warwick and Brisbane where his wife and school-aged children were established.
If given the go ahead, it is understood the new CEO, who is yet to be recruited, will be required to permanently reside somewhere within the Southern Downs.
A council spokeswoman said councillors would discuss the employment of the CEO at a workshop and legal advice would be made available to them during that time.
Mr Roach resigned on 15 September after accepting the role of chief financial officer at Ipswich City Council.
He held the position for just under two years. David Tuxford is currently acting CEO.