Around the grounds

Tenterfield Veteran Golfers Report
40 Tenterfield Veterans + 4 Visitors played a single stableford event.
Don Iedema found hidden form, recording 45 points for a great win. Peter Moll continuing his recent good run scored 42 points for the runner-up trophy. Ball rundown to Greg Yap 40; Richard Acland 39; Michael Wish, Michelle Cockburn, Roger Bonham and Garry Nicholls all 37; John Gale; Terry Foate (Hervey Bay) and Ruby Gale all 36. Best Front Nine Al Hammond (Mt. Osmond) 20 countback; best back Nine June Williams 21; No 18 Pin Shot Garry Nicholls 330 Centimetres; Captains Draw Kerri Andrews and Mystery Hole No. 16 Peter Moll with a 4 Pointer.
Life time Tenterfield resident and Golf Club stalwart Gordon Kay has had a stroke and at time of writing this report was in the Armidale Hospital. Best wishes Gordon on a speedy recovery.
Tenterfield Veteran Golfers Open day will be played on Tuesday 18 November. See Veterans captain to nominate.
Veteran Golfers X’mas Ham day trophy event is on Tuesday 25 November and will be followed by Christmas party at 7.30pm. Sheet available on Tuesday vets day.
John Gale. (Vets captain).
Warwick Bowls Club
THE final of the C/S Triples turned out to be an interesting game with T. Wright, D. Warr, P. Collis leading T. Seaniger, D. Miller, D. Christensen for most of the game, and on the 16th end leading 16 -10, but they only scored 1pt in the next five ends and allowed Doug’s team to win by 1pt in a thrilling finish 18 -17. Our congratulations go to Tom, Doug M. and Doug C. (I think Doug Warr might have been subbing for George Niven)
The next and last competition for the year, the C/S Fours has been selected and the following players are called up to play next Saturday, B. Black, C. Johnson, M. O’Leary, J. Rickard v R. Valentine, T. Wright, B. and D. Christensen; A. Naylor, S. Valentine, D. Warr P. Collis v R. Smith, M. Holder, I. Campbell, J. Ruhle.
It has been nice to see the ladies join us in the Club Selected games this year and also to help swell our numbers.
Results for Dad’s Army last Wednesday, P. Summers, B. Maunder, M. O’Leary 20 v D. Neal, L. Collie, T. Banditt 10; W. Tucker, E. Welsh 18 v R. Bone, B. Black 16; G. Murphy, P. Wagner 24 v K. Blomfield, C. Johnson 18. (I’m afraid I don’t have the winner of this event and also I believe there is a card missing).
One game of triples was played last Saturday and here is the result, W. Tucker, B. Buckel, P. Gynther 17 v L. Meiklejohn, B. Maunder, Ron Bryant 15.
Looking ahead, there is a Social on Saturday, Regency Park sponsor day on Sunday and remember that names have to be in by 3pm with play starting at 3.30pm, there will be a break for a barbecue and a beer at 5.30pm, so bring your wives and bring your girl friends for the barbecue, there will be a small charge for those not playing. Club meetings on Tuesday 11 and Jackpot on Wednesday 12.
We extend a welcome to Ladies and Visitors to join us on any of these days, names in by 12.30pm play at 1pm. Phone 4661 1516.
Warwick East Bowls Notes
THURSDAY last was our sponsored Red Rooster day with results as follows: P. Collis, I. Cambell, J. Ruhle d B. Johnstone, D. Miller, C. Lawler 22-11; Grumpy, N. Hassum, D. Meneely d M. O’Leary, M. Wright, E. Norman 13-10; F. Ternanov, R. Philp, V. Nelson d B. Gibson, B. Rowling, T. Spence 18-11; N. Wickham, G. Shelley, A. Wickham d G. Dent, D. Christensen, L. Monroe 14-10. Second round skips only, B. Johnstone d F. Ternanov 14-12; M. O’Leary d G. Dent 21-9; Grumpy d N. Wickham 22-5; P. Collis d B. Gibson 13-10. Winners for the day were Grumpy’s team with runner-up P. Collis’ team. Thanks once again to Red Rooster for their continued support throughout the year. Next Thursday the club has the monthly open triples day comencing 12-30, so teams see you all then in the meantime good bowling.
The two-day carnival is getting closer with just nine days to go. If intending to play on this weekend, ensure you have nominated your team as not many positions are left.
Visitors are most welcome to play on any of the nominated bowls days, Tuesday and Saturdays.
Southern Cross Bowls Club
LAST Thursday’s social game results:
G. Brack, G. Penn d C. Wickham, T. Hagley 15-10; C. Hope, B. Donovan d B. O’Brien, Y. Reid, D. Lang 19-12. Today Thursday, 6 November will be the ladies monthly meeting at 11am followed by social bowls at 1pm. We also welcome back President Chris after a month’s holiday. Results of our Melbourne Cup day will be in next week’s notes.
Two games of triples was enjoyed last Sunday. C. Hope, J. Trotter, C. Davidson d K. Mooney, Prickles, D. Scotney 22-18; T. Gallagher, V. Hemmings, J. Johnson d G. Johnson, M. Ford, Slave 13-12. This Sunday 9 November will be social mixed bowls at 1pm.