Beating back boxthorn

Southern Downs Regional Council’s Local Laws Officer (Pest Management) James Eastwell inspecting boxthorn.

FOR the past 12 months, Condamine Alliance and Southern Downs Regional Council have been working with local landholders to beat back the aggressively invasive weed African boxthorn and they are making solid progress.
With over 1300ha of boxthorn controlled this year and $60,000 paid out so far in rebates to landholders, the two organisations are determined to keep going in the battle against boxthorn.
African boxthorn has been a noxious weed in Queensland for well over 100 years and is hard to control and maintain. To help landholders learn the best ways to prevent and control boxthorn on their properties, Condamine Alliance will be holding a field day and removal demonstration at Treehenge at Gladfield on Tuesday 25 November from 9am to noon.
As an added incentive, landholders will be able to find out whether they may be eligible for a rebate on the cost of controlling African boxthorn on their land.
A broad range of interesting speakers and demonstrators will be there to help landholders and answer any questions. Speakers will represent Condamine Alliance, Southern Downs Regional Council, Dow Agro Sciences, and a specialist boxthorn removal contractor.
Condamine Alliance principal project officer biodiversity Kym Campbell said: “This Weed of National Significance poses a significant threat to agricultural and nature assets within the Condamine catchment.”
With its long spines and dense thickets, African boxthorn reduces the usability of pastures, inhibits the movement of stock, provides a haven for pest animals such as rabbits, and attracts insects such as fruit fly.
Landholders are responsible for taking reasonable steps to control African boxthorn on their property due to its classification as a Class 2 declared pest plant under Queensland legislation.
The Beating Back the Boxthorn project is being run by Condamine Alliance with support from the Queensland Government and Southern Downs Regional Council.
Boxthorn Management Field Day
When: Tuesday 25 November 2014
Time: 9am to noon
Where: ‘Treehenge’ 10183 Cunningham Highway, Gladfield
Please bring a hat, sunscreen, closed shoes and a chair. Morning tea will be provided.
For catering purposes please RSVP by Friday 21 November. Contact Catherine Travers at Condamine Headwaters Landcare Group on 07 4661 9909 or email