Exodus to boost tourism

SOUTHERN Downs’ tourism operators are set to capitalise on the G20 Leaders Summit as thousands escape Brisbane this weekend.
More than 4000 international delegates and 2500 media representatives are expected to descend on Queensland’s capital ahead of the ninth meeting of the G20 heads of government on 14, 15 and 16 November.
But many locals are choosing to exit the city rather than contend with road closures, heightened security and planned protests.
If more incentive was needed, tomorrow has been declared a public holiday for residents of the Brisbane Local Government Area, gifting them a long weekend to explore nearby destinations, including the Southern Downs.
Warwick Tourism and Events CEO Tracy Vellacott said the exodus of Brisbaneites, coupled with Stanthorpe Rocks 2014, was having a huge impact on accommodation offerings this weekend.
“Off the back of a very successful rodeo weekend, operators will be loving the bump in November, which is ordinarily a quieter time as people generally head to the beach for sun, sand and surf,” she said.
“The weather at the moment is beautiful – perfect for an early morning bushwalk, a swim in a cool creek or even a steam train ride to Clifton this weekend.”
Those travelling to the airport tomorrow and Sunday are advised to allow for additional time due to motorcade movements in the CBD and the Brisbane Airport corridor.
For a full list of road closures, parking restrictions and traffic and transport changes visit the Commonwealth Government’s G20 Task Force site at (including maps and brochures):