Lucy on patrol

Security dog handler Luke Simpson and Lawdogs Australia owner Matt Hibberd with security dog Lucy, who is off to assist with protection measures during the G20 in Brisbane.

AS HORDES of Brisbanians exit the city as the G20 looms, one former Stanthorpe local is heading into the fray to lend a helping paw. Lucy, a security dog graduate who cut her teeth at a Stanthorpe-based training centre, left the Granite Belt earlier this year for duties in South Australia, including keeping the Rolling Stones front men safe and patrolling and maintaining crowd order.
The doberman and her handler, Luke Simpson, visited her former stomping grounds recently ahead of a transfer back to Queensland to assist with the high demand for security protection during the G20 Summit.
The canine will be the only doberman working on the Queensland Rail Network and an important member of security teams numbering in the thousands over the upcoming long weekend around South East Queensland.
Matt Hibberd, owner of Lawdogs Australia, the company that trained Lucy, said he was pleased to be producing such high-quality recruits for security companies around Australia and Papua New Guinea.
“After only three years in operation, I am very proud of the quality of dogs we are producing here and the roles they are being sought for throughout Australia,” Mr Hibberd said.
Locals can see dogs like Lucy in the making by visiting Lawdogs Australia’s ‘Dog Show with Bite’.
The one-hour sit-down show takes place every Wednesday and Saturday at 11am and 2pm and sees the working dog kennel open its doors to the public to showcase the protection, detection and agility of dogs.
“Visitors can see everything from fully trained adult dogs, puppies starting out their training journey and everything in between,” Mr Hibberd said.
“There are even chances to be involved in the show with puppy patting and visitors invited to hide items for the detection dog to try and find.”
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