Our fine young Prince William

Three cheers for Melba Morris (SFT 21st April) and her nobly patriotic sentiments regarding our fine young Prince William and his lovely bride; may God bless them both with a very happy life together. The Prince should indeed be our next Governor General, and should be personally appointed by the Queen herself.
We must end the folly of allowing prime ministerial appointments of our Governor General!
As Blind Freddie knows, if the employee appoints his employer, there is something rotten in the state of Australia.
The Queen’s Representative should really be the Queen’s Representative. Prince William is a splendid example of commitment to his Royal duty, concern for his people, and love of the many nations of the British Empire which he happily serves, and he has expressed a personal desire to be our Governor General, for Australia holds a special place in his heart.
His virtue is a lasting testament to his grandmother, our gracious Queen, who has taught and guided him from his infancy, and who today was crowned 58 years ago, having recently celebrated her 85th birthday, after a lifetime of selfless service to her subjects around the world. God bless her with many more years to come.
Also in response to the letters of G Gilmour, R Barrell, and others. I would enquire, if carbon dioxide is unnatural, then what, pray tell, does each and every one of us naturally exhale every few seconds? What do plants convert into air for us? What do we inhale? Not to mention an elementary fact of science, that carbon dioxide is heavier than air. How, please inform us, does it miraculously rise through the air to reach the atmosphere?
And, for all those funny little evolutionists out there, what, I ask, are the logical conclusions of the first two laws of thermodynamics? For those unaware, a law in science has been proven by evidence, unlike certain theories I might mention; a theory being an unproven proposal possibility or in literary terms, a Historical fiction.
Steven Harrison,