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Rylie Douglas has been named dux of Scots PGC College.


YOU know someone’s a dedicated student when they skip schoolies to complete a university summer course instead.
The future of science and mathematics is set to become a little brighter after talented all-rounder and recent dux recipient Rylie Douglas set her sights on the fields.
The Warwick local hopes to undertake an honours degree in advanced science, majoring in mathematics, and if her school results are anything to go by she will have no trouble reaching her goal.
The academic high achiever and Scots PGC College student found out about her dux honour at the college’s speech day two weeks ago.
She said it was an incredible surprise.
“I had no idea,” she told the Free Times on Tuesday while studying a summer course at the University of Queensland.
“I was actually in the back (having just received another award) and I heard my name and thought ‘what’s that for’.”
The girl vice-captain, who received a Very High Achievement (VHA) in English, Maths B, Maths C, Indonesian and Geography, said she is unsure what career path to take just yet.
“I didn’t really know what I wanted to do but I was good at maths at school so I thought I would do that and see where it leads me.”
While most diligent studiers have to put their social life on hold during exams, the 17-year-old’s love of sports provided her with a healthy dose of downtime, she said.
The talented sportswoman has achieved many notable goals in netball, touch and basketball while representing the college. As part of the Scots PGC elite touch program, she reached the finals at the Queensland All Schools Championships and also participated in a very successful tour of New Zealand. Her love of running rugby also saw her selected as a member of the Queensland Rugby Girls 7s team this year.
Dad Andrew said it was wonderful to see his daughter’s hard work pay off.
“We’re really proud. She definitely deserves it,” Mr Douglas said.