Grain – drain on health


A MAJOR grain storage facility at Allora causing environmental harm will be forced to clean up its act.
Complaints regarding noise and dust from nearby residents have been ongoing since GrainX commenced operations at 20 Herbert Street in November 2011, but in the last couple of months they have spiked.
Last week, Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC) passed a resolution to proceed with action against GrainX under the Environmental Protection Act for causing environmental harm.
SDRC director of planning and environment Ken Harris told councillors at the general meeting last Wednesday, the owner of the facility, Chris Hood, was not disputing the claims.
“They acknowledge there are problems and are trying to ensure they are addressing those problems,” Mr Harris said.
The Free Times contacted Mr Hood for comment, but he did not respond before this edition went to print.
Council will seek compliance through a Transitional Environmental Program, which requires the operator to outline the action they need to take to ensure environmental nuisance is prevented or minimised.
While this may not achieve an immediate solution, it is an ongoing program until compliance is achieved, according to council‘s business paper.
Council has come under fire for approving the grain facility, which resides in the middle of town but has Existing Use Rights.
Complainants contend late night deliveries and collections of containers disrupt their sleep, and their health and wellbeing is compromised from the dust generated from the unloading of grain from road trains and loading of grain into containers.
Other options of redress available to council included issuing a Direction Notice for contravening a prescribed provision, or prosecuting an infringement notice with a maximum penalty of $33,900.
Council will revisit the matter in May 2015.