Pulling the thorns

Dow Agro Sciences' senior sales agronomist Kevin Melmeth demonstrates boxthorn elimination to landholders.

MORE than 25 landholders came together in Gladfield last month to learn the best ways to prevent and control the invasive weed African Boxthorn.
Being a significant threat to agricultural and natural assets within the Condamine catchment, boxthorn is having an increased impact on pastures, waterways, bushland and roadsides in the Southern Downs.
Condamine Alliance together with Southern Downs Regional Council and Condamine Headwaters Landcare put on the field day as part of a program to beat back the boxthorn by working with local landholders in one of Queensland’s most at risk areas.
With over 1300ha of boxthorn controlled this year and $60,000 paid out so far in rebates to landholders, the three organisations are determined to keep going in the battle with boxthorn.
“It is really encouraging to see the great response we have had to the program so far, with landholders truly interested in learning more about how to get rid of this weed from their property and stopping the spread,” Condamine Alliance principal project officer biodiversity Kyn Campbell said.
For further information on the incentive program contact Ms Campbell at Condamine Alliance on 07 4620 0138 or email kym.campbell@condaminealliance.com.au