Health on time, on target

Warwick Hospital director of nursing Jane Waite is pleased with the latest emergency unit results.

WARWICK and Stanthorpe hospitals have exceeded the National Emergency Access Target (NEAT) with more than 85 per cent of patients admitted, discharged or transferred within four hours of presentation, quarterly performance figures have shown.
Stanthorpe Hospital achieved this goal in 97 per cent of cases, 14 per cent above the national average, while Warwick saw 87 per cent of patients within the target time frame, up four per cent on the national average.
“We have now put a senior nurse in charge of the Emergency Unit from Monday to Friday in the mornings to keep things moving and make sure our times are met,” Warwick Hospital director of nursing Jane Waite said.
“We are working very hard at making sure all of our patients get seen in an appropriate timeframe.”
Warwick and Stanthorpe’s Emergency Units saw 1616 and 672 patients respectively in September 2014.