Council down, but not out


SOUTHERN Downs Regional Council was $3.51 million in the red at the end of 2013/’14, despite rates, levies and utility charges increasing by more than $2.5 million.
A glance at the table giving key financial figures over the past five years shows an increase of more than $11 million in rates, levies and charges since 2010.
The figures and a breakdown of council’s performance can be found in its comprehensive 2013/’14 annual report, which it released late last year and is available on its website.
While council received a $4.74 million increase in grants, subsidies and contributions (largely for flood rectification works), general purpose grants declined by $1.12 million and sales revenue declined by $448,000 due to resources being redirected away from Main Roads contracts to flood repair work.
Materials and services also decreased by $5.76 million due to flood work being capitalised.
However, the financial hit caused by the floods failed to prevent council from increasing its employee benefits by $2.23 million to $27.47 million.
Acting CEO David Tuxford said despite trying conditions and grant funds from both federal and state governments being reduced or discontinued, council was able to deliver an “ambitious” capital works program worth $17 million.
Council has foreshadowed a “small” surplus in its 2014/’15 budget, which includes a five per cent rise in general rates, 2.5 per cent reduction of the early payment discount rates, and capital works of about $15.7 million.