Generator spotlight on disaster

IN THE event of a natural disaster, there will be one place on the Southern Downs that will not be left in the dark.
A generator has been installed at the Warwick council chambers to provide an alternative power to the critical response centre.
Disaster management co-ordinator Mark Saunders said Southern Downs Regional Council has taken a lead role in helping local residents get ready for storm season and has also been very proactive in ensuring its owns staff and services are covered with contingency planning.
“In the event of a natural disaster, council sets up the Local Disaster Co-ordination Centre in the Warwick chambers,” he said.
“This centre is vitally important for co-ordination, logistics and communication.
“In December we commissioned our new generator, supplied and installed by local contractors, for a total cost of $50,500.
“This equipment will power the whole building during a power blackout or other power outage emergency.”
Mr Saunders said the system will automatically detect a power outage and provide power within a minute of an outage being detected.
“The system is also powerful enough (150KVA) to run all key function areas within the Warwick administration building to maintain business continuity during disaster events or even non-disaster periods when power outages occur,” he said.
The project was funded in partnership with the Commonwealth and State Governments through the Natural Disaster Resilience Program.
For further information on getting ready for storm season, visit