Eye-catching photos

Joan Wylde presents the Perpetual Trophy to winners for 2014, Linda Coombes and Karen Johnson.

AN IMPRESSIVE display of photos from the Allora Photography Group will be on display this month at Clifton Library.
“Entry is free and all are welcome, so anyone with an inkling of interest in photography should pop in and check it out,” member Joan Wylde said.
“Our little group celebrated a very full and successful 2014 with a break-up dinner and slide show at the Railway Hotel.
“The prestigious Perpetual Trophy was so hotly contested, it came down to a dead heat.
“Congratulations to Karen Johnson and Linda Coombes who shared the honour.”
At the group’s January meeting, members submitted a grand array of interpretations of the topic “Out of the Box”.
“By contrast, at February’s challenge, an Open Subject in Black and White, should have us looking at life in quite a different light,” Ms Wylde said.
Members will be presenting their entries in 5×7 print form.
The Photography Group will meet next Wednesday 11 February at 7pm at the Allora State School Library. All are welcome.