Helloworld rakes big bucks

Showgirl committee co-ordinator Mariel Thompson, Miss Sheep and Wool Lauren Tulloch, Miss Fruit and Vegetable Sophie Sims, Miss Ring, Rodeo and Campdraft Gemma Osbaldeston, Miss Stud Cattle Yasmine Kratzman, Miss Wine Megan Mahony and Showgirl competition sponsor Gerard Torrisi from helloworld Stanthorpe. Photo: Paula Boatfield.

FEVERISH fund-raising was honoured on Saturday night as crowds gathered at the Exhibition Centre to hear the winners of the 2015 helloworld Miss Showgirl Competition announced.
Three judges assessed the hopefuls at the Stars Under the Big Top Gala Ball, where the girls were presented and final judging took place.
Miss Sheep and Wool Lauren Tulloch, 20, was crowned the winner, while Miss Wine Megan Mahony came runner-up.
The Miss Charity title aptly went to Miss Fruit and Vegetable Sophie Sims, 18, who raised an impressive $54,000.
Miss Tulluch took to Facebook to share her gratitude, writing that she was “honoured” to receive the title and looking forward to “representing the Stanthorpe community at the next level”.
“We should all be very proud of our achievements and especially for setting a record on the highest fund-raising total,” she wrote.
The five Miss Showgirl entrants raised more than $120,000 since the quest kicked off last year.
Miss Sims also used social media to thank her supporters.
“A fund-raising figure like this cannot be achieved without the generosity of many people,” the 18-year-old’s Facebook post read.
“We really do have a truly remarkable town.”
Apart from their titles, Miss Tulloch and Miss Sims were each awarded a seven-day cruise, compliments of helloworld Stanthorpe.