A total education

IN EDUCATING a child, it is important that they acquire the skills to earn a living and participate successfully in economic life.
But equally important is their capacity to be able to get on with people, sustain friendships and maintain their dignity and sense of self.
“These capacities are developed over time, arising from essential values such as patience, tolerance, consistency and forgiveness,” says School of Total Education Principal, Shane Power.
“They are not really taught, but rather, absorbed by the child through the experience of being shown patience, tolerance and forgiveness in a consistent way,” he adds.
To achieve this, such qualities need to be modelled by the teachers in an atmosphere that allows for reflection and quietness amid the very active and stimulating setting of school life.
They are the foundations for creating an environment where children can be children. A child that can be themselves is happier and more able to learn and get on with others.
“At The School of Total Education our focus is on nurturing happy children. Our innovative programs have been serving the Warwick community for over 30 years. Our graduates are a testament to the effectiveness of our philosophy,” Mr Power concluded.
Visit the website or call for a school tour today.
www.sote.qld.edu.au Ph: (07) 4661 2666.