Finder keeper, faces charges

A 50-YEAR-OLD Dalcouth man was charged with stealing after availing himself of a mobile phone which had been inadvertently dropped on the driveway of a Stanthorpe Service Station last Wednesday, according to Stanthorpe police.
Senior Seargeant Mark Island said it would be alleged that the “finder of the property made no attempt to hand in the found property nor any attempt to locate the owner”.
Intoxicated youth in brawl
ABOUT 10.30pm Friday night, police responded to an assault that had occurred in Railway Street, Stanthorpe, where an 18-year-old male had been set upon and punched by two juvenile male offenders, with the offenders fleeing the scene prior to police arrival.
“The juvenile offenders, both intoxicated, were later located in the CBD allegedly trying to incite another fight. Both are expected to be charged later in the week,” Senior Seargeant Mark Island said.
Two persons were charged with drink driving on the weekend, the first in Maryland Street at 10pm when a 31-year-old international tourist blew .073 per cent.
Just after midnight, close to Railway Street, police intercepted a 23-year-old local man who recorded .068 per cent. Both will appear in Stanthorpe Court in April.
Lucky escapes in single car crashes
A 24-YEAR-OLD man was lucky to escape serious injury when the vehicle he was driving left the road and collided with a tree at 9pm Sunday evening in Nundubbermere Road, Broadwater.
The driver told police he had allegedly lost control of the vehicle when trying to avoid a tree branch on the roadway.
Just after midnight Friday another single vehicle crash occurred at Eukey Road, Ballandean, when the vehicle a 27-year-old international visitor was driving, left the road and collided with a power pole.
“Fortunately, again, no injuries were sustained. It is believed the driver fell asleep at the wheel and he was issued an infringement accordingly,” he said.

A 64-YEAR-OLD Liston woman received back and neck injuries when the vehicle she was driving left Amosfield Road, colliding with scrub about 3.45pm last Tuesday.
“In-attentiveness is believed to be responsible for the crash,” police said, adding that the driver has been charged with failing to exercise proper control over the vehicle.