Educating older drivers

Senior Constable Alvyn Servin with Channel 7 presenter Mark Beretta at the Australian Road Safety Awards in November 2014.

A PRESENTATION aimed at older residents in the Darling Downs district has been initiated in Toowoomba.
Toowoomba Police are still conducting the very successful Mature Drivers Presentation on Road Safety for the older drivers in the community.
More than 50 presentations have been held, involving over 2000 participants, in the Darling Downs district.
The program started in October 2013 where at that time statistics in the Darling Downs Police District showed that drivers over 70 years of age represented only eight per cent of the driving population but were involved in 11 per cent of the road fatalities.
Senior Constable Alvyn Servin was responsible for the development of the informative presentation.
His experience as a Senior Forensic Crash Investigator and the Superintendent of Traffic make it a realistic and thought-provoking talk.
At the conclusion of the presentation attendees are given the opportunity to ask Senior Constable Servin any questions that they may be concerned about, with roundabouts always being a popular topic.
The program has received recognition, becoming a finalist in the 2014 Australian Road Safety Awards.
Interested organisations are invited to book in a presentation by contacting the Crime Prevention Unit on 4631 6733 or emailing