Around the grounds

Southern Cross Bowls
IT WAS very quiet at the club last weekend. One game of pairs only on Saturday with K. Mooney, Prickles d R. Lawson, T. Hagley 29-10. Bowlers there will be no bowls this coming weekend over the Easter break. May I take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy Easter and look forward to seeing everyone back on the green for social bowls on 12 April.
A reminder the Turkey triples will be on Wednesday 8 April at 12.30pm.
Thursday last the ladies completed the singles competition. The carried over game from the previous week resulted in M. Rampling d B. Donovan 25-16. The final was then played with M. Rampling d D. Cross 27-15. This was a very close game for 21 ends until Margaret won five of the next six ends. Congratulations Marg on your win. There were no social bowls played as the club had a team at the Summit and some ladies were unavailable to play.
Please note there will be no bowls today Thursday 2 April.
SOUTHERN Downs Rifle Club Results 29 March 2015. Shot at 300, 500 and 600 yards. F Standard Rifle possible 180. Les Pedersen 169.7, Graham Eagle 167.6, Bob Tyllyer 160.7, Paul Reid 150.3, Elliot Carey 136. F Open Rifle possible 180. Dave Taylor 171.11, Margaret Taylor 154.3. Congratulations to Dave who has now obviously mastered his new rifle. Also to Les who in among his high score got a dead ringer super X actually cutting the X in the centre at 600 yards. Being the fifth Sunday this month, we shot 10 scoring shots at 300 and 500 yards then retired for a barbecue lunch and had to wake ourselves up again for the 600 yard shoot under the gratefully provided shade trailer.
Great weather, good company, a great day. Don’t miss our Anzac Day shoot on 26 April.