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A 30ml shot of concentrated coffee with a golden layer on top called crema. Often referred to as a short black, it’s the starting point for great coffee.

Flat White
A flat white is an espresso coffee (30ml) served with steamed milk in a cappuccino cup.

A cappuccino is an espresso shot (30ml) with steamed milk, served topped with creamy foam and sprinkled with fine chocolate to taste.

An espresso shot (30ml) with steamed milk, served with foam and chocolate added throughout. Usually topped with a dusting of cinnamon or fine chocolate.

A latte is an espresso shot (30ml) with steamed milk and a layer of foam on top, often served in a tall glass.

Long Black
A long black or Americano is a standard espresso shot (30ml) with hot water, served in a regular coffee cup or mug. Hot water is added first, followed by the espresso to maintain the crema. The amount of hot water varies according to preference.

An espresso shot (30ml) poured over vanilla ice cream. Usually consumed as a dessert.

An espresso with a spoonful of foamed milk.

* Information courtesy of Harris Coffee