Where it all began

Darling Downs Easter Convention.

THE Darling Downs Easter Convention began its life in the early 1950s at Kingswood Campsite at Canningvale Road, Warwick.
It was under the leadership of Colin and Betty Denner, under the banner of The Gospel Service Mission whose headquarters were at Tahlee Bible College in Port Stephens in NSW.
For many years the convention was held on the site, buildings were erected and the whole homestead renewed and redecorated over these years.
In the late 1990s the site was sold to a couple who had spent many years at Tahlee and they took on the ownership of “KINGSWOOD” as Tahlee Bible College could no longer fund the maintenance program that was needed to keep the campsite viable and up to date with all the health regulations.
Some years later, the site was sold to the Warwick Christian College for a school.
Today sees the convention taking place at Slade Campus of the “Warwick Christian College”. This was the former Anglican boarding school on Horsman Road Warwick.
Here they have dormitory style accommodation at a very reasonable price on the site.
They also have buildings for the convention meetings and separate ones that will hold the children’s activities and the youth activities.
There is a spacious kitchen with up to date kitchen equipment and a large dining hall.
They invite you to come and share the Easter weekend with them and hear John Mackay (an international speaker) from Creation Research speaking on “Evangelism’s missing link”. Graham Hooper will be taking the group on a journey through the book of Colossians with the theme “Living as a Christian in a Godless World”.
Graham has written a book called “Undivided” and it relates to parts of this study.
His book will be on sale at the bookshop over the weekend. John will also have many DVDs and books for you and family to look at and read on “Creation Research”. You are most welcome to come to any or all of the meetings which are no charge.
There will be eight teaching sessions held over the weekend, with each speaker taking four sessions each.
You can find more information on the website: www.ddcc.net.au
Or follow on facebook @ www.facebook.com/ddcc.inc.
Or contact them on email: publications101@gmail.com.