Take responsibility for your own rubbish

In relation to wheelie bins on a country road – a country setting. I have spent eight years trying to beautify my property and in so doing recycle 95 per cent of my waste onsite. Recently I have had two horticultural groups visit in bus loads. It would not be a good look to drive past and see two wheelie bins defacing the entrance.
Country people have traditionally recycled their waste. So why can’t the council encourage the ignorant and/or the lazy to do so now. Really, it’s time that we as individuals took responsibility for our own rubbish. Also, the noise pollution in the main street of Tenterfield on any one day can be heard with the double decker cattle trucks thundering through the CBD. The beauty of the lovely historic buildings is lost in this debacle. It’s a pleasure to do business in Stanthorpe.
Mignon Wanstall, Jennings