Stand up for the sanctity of marriage

There is much discussion currently about marriage, especially with the numbers in the Senate about to change. Australian law defines marriage as “a union between one man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life”.
Does the alleged “popular” demand for this to be changed warrant tampering with that which has long provided a stable foundation for male/female relationships, the family and our children’s lives? Sadly, the question that is so often avoided is – “who instituted marriage?” If it is merely a manmade institution then arguably man can change it to suit himself and his latest mood or opinion. And then the committed terms of “husband” and “wife” can be replaced by the euphemisms – “de facto”, “partner”, “engaged” and “a couple”. God’s Word – the Bible – clearly reveals the Almighty God, the Creator, made mankind in His own image and likeness. He created Adam and Eve, a male and a female, uniting them in marriage to provide complementary companionship and propagate the human race (Gen 1:27,28;2:22-25).
The Holy God who created the universe ordained marriage for the benefit and blessing of mankind – but only between a man and a woman. And the Creator who made us knows what is best for us and clearly outlaws, condemns and does not recognise any “other” union or partnership – no matter what governments and political parties decide, or our society tolerates.
God plainly states that those living in any “relationship” outside of the marriage covenant he created cannot expect his blessing and will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor.6:9; Gal.5:19-21). At our peril we sin and rebel against our loving Creator by disobeying his commands and rejecting his purposes. We must not be blind to the devil’s deceptions and lies. His aim is to ruin our lives.
But the good news for all of us – for we are “all” sinners – is that Jesus died on the cross in our place and for our sins. He willingly gave his life for us, as our substitute, so that we can be forgiven every sin and receives the gift of eternal life and escape the eternal torments of hell that we so rightly deserve (John 3:16; Rom.3:23-26). All who by God’s grace repent, receive Jesus and forsake their sinful living will be saved and be sure of heaven (Acts 3:19-21) – what wonderful and undeserved gifts! Today we all can be different, changed by the power of God, and live a life pleasing to Jesus Christ our only Saviour and Lord. Let’s stand up and be counted for our loving God’s plan for society which is always best – for the sanctity of marriage, the family and for our precious children’s welfare.
Peter Wiggins, Warwick