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No thanks!! There is mounting discomfort about a world hotly pursued to pay a (world) carbon “tax” – and the world is not responding. Now it’s Australia’s turn to be pressured?
It has been said “if every man, woman and child were to vacate our globe today, climate change would still occur”.  So why the big push and importantly, is it transparent who is really behind the big push, and why.  No, it isn’t.
Our PM Julia Gillard appears to be in an unmistakeable race and turnaround to change her original promise not to implement a tax on carbon. Is her job at stake? Was ex-PM Rudd ousted because he was too slow to make the same tax happen?
If scientific evidence was solid, there would be no need for the present scaremongering and a world tax would happen.
But the evidence doesn’t hold up – hence the need for obvious pressure to tax us anyway.
So far, we have managed to stave off recession in Australia, and would wish it to stay that way. We do not have to be pushed into being party to a new world tax (a subjugated New World Order we hear about perhaps?) and weaken our present strength and survival in a troubled world.
Ineffective tax to stop Mother Nature could ensure our own impotency which, thankfully to date, we have managed to avoid.
If any world tax is to be implemented, surely it would be better spent to pay to decrease demanding and unsustainable future population increases, with less carbon production, thus resulting as an added bonus. Increased population = increased pollution = increased world taxes.

Moya Cahill, Stanthorpe