Hendra warnings

Southern Downs Regional Mayor Ron Bellingham is urging all Southern Downs residents to be aware of and minimise risks from colonies of flying foxes in the area.
“We want all residents to be aware that there is a colony close to settled areas in Warwick and in other areas near Allora and in the Granite Belt,” Cr Bellingham said.
“All residents, particularly school children, are urged not to handle sick or injured flying foxes due to the risks of contracting the Lyssavirus,” he said.
As news came that Hendra Virus had been confirmed as the cause of death in a horse in Logan, and after earlier incidents of Hendra Virus in the neighbouring Scenic Rim, Cr Bellingham also urged horse owners and vets to be vigilant.
“Anyone in the Southern Downs with horses near the flying fox colonies or in their flight paths should move their horses as a precaution,” he said.
Residents should contact Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23 or visit www.biosecurity.qld.gov.au if they have any questions.
“The council is working with the Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) to look at our options for controlling the risks from flying foxes, but cannot do anything without DERM approval,” Cr Bellingham said.