Warwick hub celebrates anniversary

Happy first birthday.


Warwick’s Learning and Lifestyle hub celebrated its first anniversary on Monday.
The centre was opened one year ago to help teach people with disabilities.
It offers personalised, tailored programs with a mix of activities to enhance independence, confidence and self-esteem.
Service Development and Innovation manager Chris Beaumont said the growth in the Warwick area had been strong.
“We are so proud of how it has evolved, as it started off with two people accessing the service and it has now grown to six people,” he said.
“We have a great mix of people at L and L including a young Warwick woman who recently completed high school and is now regularly coming to our service two days a week.”
It currently operates Wednesday to Friday with the hope that this can be increased to Monday to Friday in the future.
There are more than 35 centres in Queensland that are operated with the help of the Queensland Government and eventually through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Manager of Education Services Stuart Coplick said the opening of the centre a year ago was in answer to the calls from the community.
“We are delivering education to people with disabilities.
“There is no cost to people attending here. It’s about getting the word out,” he said.
He said the way forward was in the continuous process of building relationships in the community.
“We get them involved in real work experience. Go to businesses, it’s about relationship building.”
The Endeavour Foundation has a long history of supporting the community in Warwick with its first involvement starting in the 1970s.
It is an independent non-for-profit organisation that supports more than 3300 people with a disability in Australia.