Carbon scare all about tax

In response to Ed Diery’s letter in the last Free Times in which he refers to the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), I suggest that Mr Diery read Professor Ian Plimer’s book Heaven+Earth, and Professor Bob Carter’s book, Climate Change the Counter Consensus, in which they point out that the IPCC came to their faulty conclusions regarding climate change by deliberately leaving out any mention of the Medieval Warming (app: 950 – 1250)  and the Little Ice Age (app: 1550 – 1850) and thus distorting the facts regarding temperatures.
During the Medieval Warming, wheat was grown in Greenland and cattle were bred there, and temperatures were much warmer there than they are today. At periods during the Little Ice Age, Frost Fairs were held on the frozen Thames River and oxen were roasted there. It could happen again.
Both Professor Plimer and Professor Carter are practical, down to earth scientists, both of whom have worldwide reputations; they are not “computer” scientists as so many are to whom the electronic media usually run when they want someone to back their politically correct arguments, and there are other once great organisations who also provide Green orientated politically correct answers to feed the great scaremongering campaign.
As for anyone who argues against climate change, that is ridiculous, there has been climate change since time began and it will continue that way.
As for carbon, it is historic fact that it has been in periods of high carbonisation that the world has made the greatest progress and people have been at their healthiest; it has been in periods of glaciation when there was very low carbon emission, and little rain, that the world has regressed, when tribes of people were wiped out, and when the deserts were formed.
It is the position of the sun and solar radiation that controls our hot and cold periods, not carbon. Would anyone in their right senses argue that it was motor cars, refrigeration and mining that brought about the Medieval Warming? One might as well argue that it is not the proliferation of diseased flying foxes that is the cause of the increased Hendra virus deaths!
The carbon scare is all about tax! Why did the Labor Government appoint Professor Garnaut to investigate this matter? He is an economist, not an expert in the field of climate change or geology. He was appointed to achieve finance for a government that was squandering money left right and centre, on school building waste, and the insulation scandal among other such things.
Julia Gillard never won a majority in parliament, even though she promised not to bring in a carbon tax. She certainly doesn’t have a mandate to do so on a lie.

Charles M Shann, Warwick