Daffodils help find a cure

CANCER Council Queensland’s Warwick Volunteer Branch will be out in force this Daffodil Day – 28 August – raising vital awareness and funds.
The branch will sell hundreds of fresh daffodils, pens, pins and bears to support the one in two Queenslanders who will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.
CCQ Volunteer Branch Events Co-ordinator Carol Cooke said the branch was preparing for a special delivery of daffodils from locations around Australia.
“We receive a very special delivery of fresh daffodils the day before the iconic fund-raiser and will be busy preparing for an exciting day turning Warwick yellow,” Ms Cooke said.
“Daffodil Day has special meaning for so many people in our community, including myself.
“I lost my husband to bowel cancer nine years ago and have been a strong supporter of Cancer Council for the past 15 years in the hope that one day we will find a cure for the disease.
“This is also our opportunity to show the community that support is available to them.”
The Daffodil is the international symbol of hope for all affected by cancer because of its reputation as a hardy annual flower, pushing its way through frozen earth after a long winter to herald the return of spring, new life, vitality and growth.
This Daffodil Day, Cancer Council Queensland expects more than 800,000 fresh daffodils, bears and pens to be sold to brighten the lives of all Queenslanders impacted by cancer.
CCQ’s Warwick Volunteer Branch will operate Daffodil Day sites at the Travellator at Rose City Shopping World, Discount Chemist, Criterion Cellars Warwick and Betta Home Living.
Cancer Council Queensland Regional Fund-raising Co-ordinator Carley Wagner said the Warwick Volunteer Branch and other community supporters are working hard behind the scenes to ensure Daffodil Day is a success in South West Queensland.
“A bright splash of yellow does more than light up the community – it means we are taking active steps to beat cancer and to show our support to those affected,” Ms Wagner said.
“We are thankful for the kind support of volunteers in raising important awareness and encouraging locals to get on board this Daffodil Day.
“Cancer Council Queensland aims to raise $1.7 million during the Daffodil Appeal (1-31 August) and on the official Daffodil Day (28 August) to support its work in cancer research, education programs and patient support services.”
Get involved by wearing a pin to show you care, donating to the Daffodil Appeal, volunteering or turning your school or business yellow. For more information visit www.daffodilday.com.au.
For more about Cancer Council Queensland visit www.cancerqld.org.au or phone 13 11 20.