Rates blow out again

Rates blow out again, cuts can be made; the council just needs the will. Slade and Applethorpe TAFE have been described as white elephants in the media and they are. These properties have been described as assets, but they are not, assets don’t cost you money, liabilities do, and yes they are liabilities, not assets.
So far, call it what you like, I like multi-million dollar waste as the cost so far to the council/ratepayer is now in the millions, and this on the top of the purchase price for these two properties. The council is a business and, like any business, cuts can be made while still providing the services expected, you just need the will.
What the council has is the will to spend/waste your rates money, and they know you have the will to pay your rates, otherwise you will lose your property.
Wayne Booth, Warwick