Opposed to planned hatchery at Allora

The never ending television advertising for all things chicken makes for just what the chicken industry seeks to gain, from boring hopeful customers to death. No longer will chicken be on my shopping list if it requires constant brain washing to sell it.
With the planned hatchery for Allora to produce one million chickens we will not only be bombarded with the image, we will have to put up with the industry going flat out to find its own address.
The development site is listed on a site on Forest Springs Road, however, Bradfields Road, just past the bore water supply for Allora, appears to be the likely location. How has it come to this? Right on the edge of our tiny town that, since it was settled in 1859, has been carefully organised to be in control of what might be expected, such as flooding as occurred last year.
The wise councillors of old did not attempt to harness floodwaters such as drowned Toowoomba, but allowed free but relatively shallow flooding, teamed with Dalrymple Creek to flow around Allora.
Those floodwaters will plague those who rush in where angels fear to tread, who should wonder why such a handy parcel of land has never been built on. Dig out your fancy flood maps, Southern Downs Regional Council, and save our community from the foolishness of those who would damage so much. We will place objections with the Southern Downs Regional Council and engage councillors who visit Allora, and then we will know who to vote for in the 2012 council elections.
Melba Morris, Allora