Leave Allora alone and spend elsewhere

How extravagant can the Southern Downs Regional Council be? They cement their costs, and say they have no choice but to raise rates. But why then are they spending thousands on the perfectly good Allora streetscape? It’s ideally a perfect country town and main street.
You can back out, you can turn a ute and trailer in the main street, you have great vision, you can’t really back into anything, or hold anyone up, as the main street is so wide, and hooray to the early street planners of years ago.
We have far more urgent things to spend ratepayers’ money on in the shire like fixing roads and bridges and keeping costs down so rates won’t fly up any quicker.
If farmers were to spend on plant machinery at the shire rate, they couldn’t. They have to use it a lot more and they buy economically. Farmers and businesses don’t have the luxury of ratepayers’ money.
June Jones, Upper Wheatvale