Climate denial

Ross Barrell in his letter to Southern Free Times 21/7/11 accuses me of not doing my homework on climate change and carbon dioxide and that I am “in denial regarding human induced climate change”.
I have a Masters degree in Science and have “done my homework” on this subject for many years.
Mr Barrell admits that he is not qualified to “debunk my nonsense” yet tries to do so by quoting a television program on the ABC and the New Scientist magazine.
Both of these media sources have long been actively opposed to anyone that has dared to question the prevailing environmentalist dogma that manmade carbon dioxide is causing dangerous global warming.
Until recently most of the mainstream media has suppressed opposition to the climate change dogma.
The media got on this bandwagon in the first place because it made a good “alarming” story.
Threats to the Barrier Reef, rising sea levels, widespread natural disasters and so on, all caused by “evil” mankind.
The problem for the media now (as it is for politicians) is they can’t back away from it without losing face.
The so-called climate scientists who started all this rubbish in the first place are in an even worse position.
Who could admit that their whole career is based on a lie?
But this issue is no longer about science.
It’s now about political power, money and ideology.
The most vehement defenders of the dogma are people who aren’t scientists at all. In fact they have no understanding of the science whatsoever.
They can’t debate the science so they resort to calling people names like “denier”, call carbon dioxide “pollution” (which it isn’t) and shout about a “consensus” among scientists which doesn’t exist.
There are in fact tens of thousands of scientists around the world who do not accept the dogma that manmade carbon dioxide is causing dangerous global warming.

Tony Hassall, Ballandean