Warwick welcomes new college

Team leader and Warwick local Jo Thomas was instrumental in getting the campus opened.


THE Southern Downs has officially welcomed a new college to the region.
Keystone College in Warwick has been in operation since June this year but with the official opening has stamped its presence on the Downs.
The college has caught on in the community with 29 students now enrolled through the Warwick campus.
Team leader and Warwick local Jo Thomas was instrumental in getting the campus opened and explained exactly what Keystone does.
“It’s a learning lounge for students. Basically we offer blended learning to students. They can come here and study in our lounge or in their lounge at home,” she said.
“We offer anything they need to help, like workshops. They are also allocated a tutor who can talk to them by Skype, email or phone.”
They currently offer four diplomas – Diploma of Business, Diploma of Management, Diploma of Community Services, and Diploma of Interactive Digital Media. Classes do not happen on campus, instead materials are accessed online and the campus acts as a guide with onsite staff available for help and guidance.
Ms Thomas said Keystone identified a problem with long distance students.
“We find that lot of distance students drop out a lot during their courses because they feel like they don’t have the support. There’s no actual physical place that’s helping them along. We help with that,” she said.
“I was in job services before. A lot of my job seekers who starting training were dropping out because of that lack of face-to-face contact.
“If they have any questions they can come to the campus and ask myself or contact their distant tutor.”
Ms Thomas said anyone can drop in at the campus at 84 Palmerin Street, Warwick, and see what it’s all about.
“You can drop in anytime between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday, or you can call or visit our website and apply,” she said.
You can visit www.keystonecollege.com.au for more information.