Gallipoli memorabilia sale

The Naval Association of Australia Queensland Section Inc President Norm Gale and Neville Bryant at one of the Gallipoli Centenary Memorabilia stalls.

THIS week Australia celebrated Remembrance Day with a number of services throughout the region.
Naval Association of Australia Queensland Section Inc President Norm Gale oversaw Gallipoli Centenary Memorabilia stalls in Stanthorpe to show support.
Mr Gale has been working with the local community for six years selling military memorabilia and has also been involved with establishing the navy cadets.
They also work with the Stanthorpe RSL Sub-Branch as well as getting involved with Defence Force Welfare.
“One of our big activities is Defence Force Welfare; such as ‘Mates for Mates’ and ‘Soldier On,’” Mr Gale said.
“Community groups are also part of it all too, such as soccer and disability support.”
All money raised from the stall went towards the welfare of Defence Force Personnel and local community organisations.