Water tests confirm towns’ supply is bug-free

TEST results received from Queensland Health have cleared Southern Downs Regional Council’s water supplies in Warwick and Allora of any cryptosporidiosis infection.
Southern Downs mayor Peter Blundell said the council began investigations into the water supply following media and social media reports about an Allora resident’s concern that her child had contracted cryptosporidiosis from the Allora water supply.
“At the time the council was contacted by the media, we had not received any direct complaints nor been notified by any person, including the resident, or agency, that there was an issue or concern with the water supply in Allora or Warwick, and in particular with cryptosporidiosis,” he said.
“However, council staff responded quickly, and in addition to doing extra E.Coli water tests, staff also took samples for cryptosporidiosis and giardia.
“Nine samples were obtained over two sample periods and sent to Queensland Health for analysis, and I’m pleased to confirm that all test results have been returned negative, clearing the water supplies of both cryptosporidiosis and giardia.”
The water samples were taken from the following locations, including at the home of the Allora residents with the affected child – one sample each from Allora Reservoir; an external tap at the Allora library; the resident with the affected child, at Allora; the Allora Water Supply trunk main, Willowvale (between Warwick and Allora); the small swimming pool, Allora; the big swimming pool, Allora; the water treatment plant, Warwick; and two samples from Mel Gibson Park in Warwick.
“Given the negative result, no further specific tests will be conducted for cryptosporidiosis and giardia,” Cr Blundell said.
“However, we will continue to carry out our regular water quality testing in accordance with the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.”
Cryptosporidiosis is a parasitic infection of medical and veterinary importance that is spread by faecal-oral transmission including person to person, animal to person, waterborne and food-borne transmission.
Control methods include practising good personal hygiene, taking care when disposing of human or animal faeces, and ensuring careful hand washing after handling animals with diarrhoea.
Residents with concerns about or issues with the water or wastewater supply are encouraged to contact the council on 1300 MY SDRC (1300 697 372) or via the MY SDRC App, so officers can investigate and the council can ensure the quality of the water supply is maintained.