Dark festival

Caralee Mirfin having a great time at the Dark Forest Festival.

THE Springs 4×4 Park south of Warwick played host to this year’s Dark Forest Festival.
The three-day outdoor music experience included nine international acts, more than 20 from interstate and 80 local acts.
Dark Forest 2015 is described as an awakening journey through an outdoor music festival experience.
Organisers say it is a unique fusion of the darker shades of electronic music, visual production and contagious creative energy intersecting with an exploration of the boarders between darkness and light.
Originally conceived 15 years ago in Victoria as a dark music themed event, it has grown to embrace a broader story of connecting music, arts, culture and community to build awareness and understanding of the importance of communication through music and movement.
Photographer Terry West headed out to enjoy the music and snap up the atmosphere.