Couple decamp for their own adventures

Jenny and Keith prepare to start their own adventures.

THE chances are that anyone on the Southern Downs who has needed camping gear over the past decade has visited Keith and Jenny Hartshorn at Mango Camping in Warwick.
The family owned and operated business has become a bit of a landmark in town since it was first opened by Keith, Jenny and their daughter Elizabeth in 2005.
However all this is about to change and after 10 and a half years of watching other people go on adventures the Hartshorns are about to take an adventure of their own.
“We’ve decided not to renew the lease on the shop and, instead, will take a break and start on some adventures of our own,” Keith said.
“We want to say ‘thank you’ to people of Warwick, the Southern Downs and Border regions for the support they’ve given over the years.”
Many people come in to see Keith and Jenny just to pass on details of wonderful trips and adventures they’ve had with equipment they bought from the store.
However this week those stopping in have been telling the couple they’ll be missed and asking “where will we go now?”
The couple said it was heartwarming how many customers and friends had come in to say thanks and show their appreciation.
But while the store will be gone the couple aren’t hanging up their tents and camping gear all together.
Campers can still find them on Facebook at Camping Outlet or on their website
Mango Camping will honour outstanding gift vouchers and certificates and laybys via its website though shoppers are asked to make arrangements for laybys before the store closes.
The last day of trading is Australia Day, 26 January.