Runners take sport in a new direction

Orienteering returns to Warwick over the next few weeks.


RUNNERS looking for new opportunities to keep fit are invited to come along to a series of street orienteering events being conducted in Warwick over the coming weeks – with the first event being held on Sunday 24 January.
Publicity officer for event organisers Bullecourt Boulder Bounders Liz Bourne said that street orienteering provided an interesting new way to keep fit as it combined running with a mental challenge.
“It’s like a car rally on foot with only basic navigational skills required,” she said.
“It has proved a very popular orienteering activity interstate and around Brisbane so our club was keen to introduce it to the Warwick community.
“Keen runners will enjoy exercising their brains as well as their bodies while walkers and family groups could also have fun testing their map reading abilities.”
Ms Bourne said that Sunday’s event would be held at Victoria Park, near the hospital, with starts from 4pm to 5pm. No special gear was required and compasses could be borrowed at the event. The entry cost would be $5.
There would be three courses available of about 7km, 5km and 3km in length plus an easy course for juniors around the park, she said.
Anyone interested in giving street orienteering a try is encouraged to come along. The following events will be at Australiana Park on 31 January, Scots College on 7 February and Queens Park on 14 February.
For further information, please contact 4683 6374 or go to