Big school Open Day

Stanthorpe State School is throwing open its doors on Thursday, August 25 and again on Thursday, September 1, welcoming all families and their pre-preppers along for a fun-filled morning of discovery and friendship at their Prep Open Days.
All families are invited to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to explore the school’s prep facilities, meet the teachers and see what is in store for the year ahead.
Regardless of which school families may choose for Prep in 2012, all are welcome to come visit on our Open Days where you will be invited to stay for a shared morning tea, a play in the adventure playground, story time and a tour around the school.
Stanthorpe State School’s Open Days begin at 9am, conclude at 11.30am and provide pre-preppers with an amazing educational adventure, lots of new friendships to enjoy and a unique chance for parents to discuss their child’s educational journey with expert educators.