Great listener into fray

Jan Mau.


AUTHOR, a classical pianist, artist and volunteer, Stanthorpe’s Janice Mau is hoping to add councillor to her list of titles.
“The desire to serve on council began to grow in 2014,” Janice, a grandmother, said.
“While out and about, I was continually listening, noting how people were feeling, hearing what their concerns were for the area in which they live.
“I observed areas that needed attention, and could see huge potential everywhere I looked. None of this has changed. I continue to listen and observe.”
However, the Stanthorpe and District Chamber of Commerce member said her desire to help her community probably started even earlier.
“In 2005 my husband Peter went on a fact-finding trip to Kazakhstan, Central Asia,” she said.
“He was determining what would be involved if he and I committed our lives to serving there in the Kazakh community as volunteers.
“The door was open for us to teach the English language and help with vocational training of students undergoing rehabilitation in Teen Challenge drug and alcohol centres.
“After most of a month spent living ‘in program’ with the students, Peter came back full of fire to return. The decision was made, and at the start of 2006 we sold almost everything we had and headed off to Kazakhstan as volunteers.
“The intention was to do a one-year stint. We ended up doing almost five. After our return to Queensland, I wrote a book about our experiences, which was published in 2014.”
What did those years teach her personally?
“Sacrifice, commitment, love of community no matter who or where, how to work through challenges and keep your sense of humour; how to stay positive when dealing with difficult personalities; maintain integrity, give of one’s time and energy selflessly; put aside one’s own agenda (better still, don’t have one) and work with a team, not against; do everything with the best interests of the community as your motivation,” she admitted.
“Above all, be passionate about what you are doing.
“In 2014 the passion to serve fulltime arose once more. Only this time, it is to serve our Southern Downs community by representation on council. The same values of commitment and service are behind this resolve.”