Buskers of repute

The String Family, Ashleigh, 11, Heath, 13, Joel and Sarah Moir are set to entertain at the festival. 150624_01


THE APPLE and Grape Harvest Festival kicks off on Friday 26 February with the turning on of the main street lights and fabulous music and markets.
Leading the entertainment will be the talented String Family (Moir Family Quartet).
Winners of the 2015 Australian National Busking Championships, the exciting String Family, will be performing alongside anchor band The John Hibbins Trio outside The Country Club, Stanthorpe, for the night program running from 5.30pm – 9pm.
“The String Family’s talent is mesmerising,” he said.
“It will be an exceptional opening for the festival.”
The String Family is a formidable musical force, with father, Joel Moir and 13-year-old son Heath on cello, and mother Sarah and 11-year-old daughter Ashleigh on violin.
Sarah is a violin virtuoso in her own right. She began her musical career at the age of three, performing at the Sydney Opera House for the first time at the age of five and has performed for royalty and dignitaries around the world, has toured with pop stars and celebrities and has appeared on many Australian television shows, international TV and radio.
After taking out the Australian National Busking Championships title, the prestige and prize money spurred on the String Family to change their lives and travel Australia for the love of music and the love of family.
It was something the Wollongong residents had wanted to do for years, but Joel’s intense 14-hour-a -day IT role and life had kept them too busy. Gaining a better work-life balance was the main reason behind the String Family packing up their house and hitting the open road with a caravan.
As part of the festival opening, the Stanthorpe Farmers’ Market will be operate into the evening in the Piazza and other stalls will be in the main street.

The start of the Festival signified by Turning on of the Lights will be at 7.15pm with Festival Young Ambassadors. Part of Maryland Street will be closed from 5.30pm – 9pm.

Rounding up the evening entertainment is the very talented local trio John Hibbins, Andy Willmot and Wolfgang Greve. The John Hibbins Trio will kick on the night and have you dancing in the street.