Letters to the Editor


Politicians’ pensions
IAN McFarlane, Member for Groom, will get a pension of about $170,000 a year.
These politicians are getting too much pension, they are not worth it.
Ian McFarlane can live on $70,000 a year, he can give a $100,000 donation every year to Care Flight, Royal Flying Doctors and drought affected farmers.
Australia will never pay the debt off when these politicians are getting big pensions. They are blood suckers.
John Salata,
Glen Aplin.

Half the state, double the fibs
LUCKY are those who believe that they have a tendency or ability to make lucky discoveries by accident, coming from a Persian fairy tale!
So now they seem to have serendipity on their minds that will follow cutting the state of Queensland in half!
There will then be twice the politicians to pay to confuse us, twice the number of public servants to cost us, twice the grand buildings to house them, twice the cars to carry them about and a big mouth south, wanting daylight savings!
More time to party without the pesky sensible northerners spoiling their fun, party poopers that they are!
The very likeable Member for Southern Downs Mr Springborg was startled by my words at an interview last week when he was told not to change his hairstyle but to do a Trump and tell it like it really is.
More politicians to lead us down the garden path would be serendipity on steroids for them!
Give us fewer fibs and decent honest government because that is not what we have now!
Melba Morris,

Suspicious siege
THE inquiry into the Lindt cafe siege is revealing things we didn’t know before.
However, I would like to hear what PM Tony, at the time, had to hide, and why he refused to talk to Monis on the phone.
Perhaps if he had spoken to him the hostage incident might have ended without a loss of life.
I understand the cafe manager was shot when he tried to wrestle the gun from Monis and when the police stormed the cafe the lady was killed by a stray police bullet.
It seems that there are matters the inquiry won’t reveal and the public will be left with a lot of suspicions.
Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin.