Unity key as new council sworn in

Southern Downs Regional Council mayor and councillors newly sworn in for the 2016 term. From left: Cr Sheryl Windle, deputy mayor Jo McNally, Cr Marika McNichol, Cr Neil Meiklejohn, Cr Cameron Gow, Cr Vic Pennisi, Cr Yve Stocks, mayor Tracy Dobie. Centre: Cr Rod Kelly.

SOUTHERN Downs Regional Council’s new Mayor and Councillors have held their first statutory meeting after being officially sworn in at a ceremony held in the Warwick Council Chambers on Wednesday 6 April.
The chambers overflowed with family and friends, who gathered in support to witness the swearing in to office of mayor Tracy Dobie and councillors Jo McNally, Rod Kelly, Cameron Gow, Neil Meiklejohn, Yve Stocks, Sheryl Windle, Vic Pennisi, and Marika McNichol for the 2016 term of the Southern Downs Regional Council.
The ceremony and first statutory meeting of the new council marked a historic day, with the first female mayor elected for the region and, with Cr Jo McNally elected as deputy mayor by her councillor colleagues, the first female mayor and deputy mayor duo officially taking the council reins.
Mayor Dobie said it was a privilege to be elected mayor for the region, and she was looking forward to working closely with the new council team.
“I am honoured that the community has put their faith and trust in not only me, but all of the new elected representatives, and I congratulate each councillor on their success,” Cr Dobie said.
“I will certainly do my very best to lead the council forward towards a positive and productive future over the next four years, and I look forward to achieving this with a unified and committed council team.”
Deputy mayor McNally said it is an honour to serve the community and thanked councillors for their confidence in electing her as deputy.
“I’m proud to represent the council and the community as deputy mayor and I look forward to working alongside Mayor Dobie, councillors, the chief executive officer and all council staff.
“It’s an exciting time for the council as we start afresh and I feel confident that my councillor colleagues are steadfast in their resolve to serve our community and work together as a team to deliver results for the entire Southern Downs,” Cr McNally said.
Cr Dobie emphasised that the new council team was ready and raring to get down to business.
“There is much to learn, particularly for those of us new to local government, and we certainly have an intensive few weeks ahead as we are briefed in all aspects of council operations and services, governance and finance, and the policy and legislative frameworks,” she said.
“The experience of our councillor colleagues from the previous term will be much valued, along with the knowledge and expertise of council staff, in supporting the new team to get on with the job of delivering services and meeting the needs of our community.
“We are ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.”
The council’s first general meeting will be held on Wednesday 27 April, at 9am, in the Warwick Council Chambers.
The schedule of general meetings will be updated on the council’s website www.sdrc.qld.gov.au/council/council-meetings